Cosmopolitan Magazine: Let's Talk About It!
Sunday, July 02, 2017
How It All Started...
After having about three midlife crises, I made up in my mind that I needed to cut the bullsh** and be great. But I couldn't do it on my own. I needed inspiration. Apparently my own pep talk is never effective, so I needed confirmation. But how? I searched blogs for insight, Instagram for inspiration and even flipped through my old posts for a reminder that I'm DOPE. But it wasn't enough and instead I remembered, I failed.
So a whole 45 minutes of an epic Brit Fit later (I literally cried snot), I had exhausted all motivation in an instant. So of course I resorted to what I knew best: BINGE EATING!!! Now and Later Candy + Cosmopolitan Magazine = Lifeeeeee. And gratefully, my oral fixations finally paid off and not with cavities. Before I knew it, I was one click away from experiencing the most life changing moment in my entire life!
New York, Here I Come!
*Inhales New York's filthy air* - Finally, back to the place I loved most: NEW YORK CITY!!!
I lost more than directions in NY. I lost my Cosmo-Ginity by attending Cosmopolitan Magazine's Let's Talk About It event. This event essentially addressed topics that society somehow thinks women should be silent about. Andddd, Let's Talk About It was an eventful all day experience that encouraged us to do something about it! It was time to "speak up, get real, and live our happiest life".
So Let's Talk About It
Words can't really describe what happened. So I'll save the spill and instead, leave you with what parts of me, that surfaced within those 8 hours.
- I'm Not Perfect. And I'll never be. But that fear of revealing my imperfections should never stop my persistence.
- I'm a Bad Bihhh. I may not be who society deems as Instagram Gorgeous, but my inner beauty is one sexy attention grabber.
- I'm my Own Goal. Instead of indulging in the standards of unrealistic expectations, I should push beyond my potential to be my best version of ME!
Sigh, And Just Like That, It Was Over...
But....I didn't leave Cosmopolitan the same person that walked in. In fact, I left knowing that my voice, no matter how still, how small or different; it was equipped with the biggest superpower. And, I can't keep being silent out of fear. It's time to turn the mic loud, grab your attention, and allow my words to give you the biggest brain-gasm of your life.
If you're ready and will allow me,
I Needed This Diet
Panelists That Gave Me Life
Decor Should've Been In My Room